Serious about Quality Schooling for your Child or need advice? Then please get in touch and we’ll be glad to support.
Call: (+91)97325 23322Timings: 8:30am – 3:30pm
You can visit Khejuri Public School campus to see and experience our schooling any day with prior communication.
Any question, even if silly, can open a major discussion and highlight vital point! Please feel free to ask.
Full name আপনার নাম *
Child's name শিশুর নাম *
Email address ইমেইল *
Phone number ফোন
Child's Age শিশুর বয়স * Please Select1 (freelancer)2-45-78-1212+
What is your inquiry about? * Please SelectGeneral Information RequestPartner RelationsCareersSoftware LicencingI need help
How we can help you? *
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